Monday, December 19, 2011

Gustave Doré and the Goths (Sex Gang Children)

Paul Gustave Doré (1832 – 1883) was a french artist with a gift for engraving. He made a career as an illustrator for books such as the Bible, Milton's "Paradise lLost", Dante's "Divine Comedy", Edgar A.Poe's "The Raven" e.a. He worked primarily with wood and steel engraving. The images he created are classic and timeless full of mood, tension and an uncomparable romantic approach. 
It's no wonder goth bands of the 1980's used his imagery on their record sleeves. The Sisters of Mercy are the most notable example but today it's Sex Gang Children's turn.
On their first 7" single cover "Into the Abyss" in 1982 the band used a Doré illustration from his work for Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" c. 1861-68.

The original illustration is entitled "Alichino and Calcabrina" after the names of two demons fighting over a lake in hell. Dante and Virgil are overlooking...
I'm telling you, if you like goth and moody dark imagery, Doré is your man...

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you noted it somewhere else but the cover for the R23 12" remix of Assimilate by Skinny Puppy is also Gustav Dore. Amazing site, I love the articles about the art and thought that went into cover design in this genre.
