Saturday, February 9, 2013

Temptations, Love and Rockets

In 1970 soul music legends, The Temptations released a psychedelia influenced, political song entitled "Ball of Confusion (That's what the world is today)" and reached no. 3 in the US charts ...

Several years later, in 1982 while goth was in full bloom (!) another soul music mega artist-turned top selling pop star did a cover of this. Tina Turner had this cover on a compilation album and from it's success, she relaunched her career and became who she became...

Our lot, got to know this track by the mighty Love and Rockets of course in their 1985 single 7" and 12" version! Oddly enough it became one of their more air played hits.

10 years later, in 1995, once neo-Romantics, pop superstars Duran Duran, also covered this track!
The most surprising version though, was by trash metal gods, Anthrax! It was released as a single to promote their Return of the Killer A's LP in 1999.

"and the band played on..."